Blockchain Lab

Building a Blockchain Lab 

To get started on any blockchain project you need a lab to work and make mistakes with.

Here is a list to get started:

  1. Blockchain client
    1. Geth (Ethereum) allows you to run Ethereum node on your machine
    2. Ganache allows you run a local Ethereum blockchain
  2. Development tools
    1. node
    2. npm
    3. truffle from npm
    4. python
    5. pip
    6. from pip
    7. Visual Studio code IDE
      1. Solidity
      2. Python
    8. Anaconda 
  3. Blockchain Analytics Client
    1. web3
  4. Smart Contracts
    1. Remix Ethereum - 
      1. Use to compile .sol smart contract file
      2. Creates .abi file
      3. Creates Address 
    2. Data files to populate chain with data is nice to have


Blockchain Data Analytics for Dummies lol
